
DefyingProcrastination's picture

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designer / inventor
Personal Statement

Michael was born the youngest of 7 children in a home where money was always in short supply, but love never was. His father was forced to quit school at an early age to work his uncle’s farm, yet, despite the lack of a formal education, he still managed to write a novel in his later years. Inspired by his father, Michael began writing his own poems and short stories. In 2010, while attending Chattanooga State, Michael received First Place in the Phi Theta Kappa 2010 Regional Literary Anthology competition for his essay, “White on White Crime,” which describes his experiences as a child growing up in the very same small town in Tennessee where his father had.

Building from personal experiences and his diverse interests and hobbies, Michael A. Walker has constructed a solid foundation of writing that covers a broad spectrum. Glean insight from his nonfiction essays, find inspiration in his poems, or delve into his works of science-fiction and fantasy to experience worlds rich in atmosphere and intrigue. Michael’s sincere passion for each of his subjects and characters breathes life into his work, giving him a voice that resonates with his readers.

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Member for
12 years 40 weeks

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