Thanks to our sponsors...

Protspiel South 2010 was a tremendous success. We couldn't have done it without the attendees, of course, but it's also tremendously important to recognize our sponsors.

Thanks to:

  • Steve Jackson Games for their generous sponsorship of the convention and Saturday dinner.
  • Thanks to Dragon's Lair (Austin) for sponsoring Protospiel South 2010. Check out their store at 6111 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78757
  • Thanks to Wonko's Toys and Games for sponsoring Protospiel South 2010, Saturday lunch, and the craft table. Check out their store at Lake Creek Festival, 13729 Highway 183, Suite 630, Austin, Texas 78750

Without their sponsorship, we wouldn't have had meals, and membership prices would have been significantly higher. Please do what you can to express your appreciation to our sponsors.

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