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Requests for Protospiel South 2011Howdy! While Protospiel South 2010 is still fresh in your mind, I'd like you to share your requests for Protospiel South 2011. Please let us know what you liked from 2010, and what you'd like to see in 2011. Some of the requests we captured at the convention were:
Make yourself heard. I genuinely want to know what your requests are.
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I really appreciated the
I really appreciated the craft table, and having the food brought in (thanks wonko's, steve jackson games, and dragon's lair) so there was less of a lull during mealtimes than i would have otherwise expected.
being a night owl, i definitely would have rather there been all-night testing space available.
in general though, the con was even better than i expected, so i don't have too many complaints... if i was stretching to find something else to complain about, i could say i wish the hotel was cheaper -i stayed literally a block away for exactly half the cost.