
When organizing Protospiel South, I created a packet to give to potential sponsors. Sponsors enabled us to provide meals to you while keeping the membership price low. I would like to include testimonials from 2010 in the sponsor packet for Protospiel South 2011.

Some testimonials gathered at Protospiel South 2010 include:

"Extremely helpful or game designers!" - Anthony Gill (Emperor's Arena)

"Fun to have others play your game; fun to play others' games." - Carlos Rumbert (Intercession)

If you'd like to submit a testimonial, please post it in this thread.

Great Time!

My wife Crystal and I had a BLAST! We got to meet some great people, played lots of fun games, got to show off our work and shared a laugh or two. We even got to buy some great older games from John (thanks again). To all the people we got to spend time with, you all really made Protospiel South an amazing time for us and we can't wait to see you again (you all hopefully know who you are). To those we didn't get to meet, hopefully we'll get to meet you next year and play your games. Also, to our gracious hosts Jon and Sharon, thank you again so much for all your hard work. It paid off for all of us, and we got to have a great and productive time. Thanks also to the SJ Games crew for coming out and sharing in the fun, as well as all the fine businesses and people who helped provide food and refreshments. We're already getting ready for Protospiel South 2011! (Just a shame it's a whole year away)

I had a great time.

I only wish my car troubles hadn't shortened my attendance :(

But I did get some wonderful advice from Will(?) and Jeff from SJG, as well as some great feedback from the attendees who played Outrider. I was flattered that so many individuals took a chance on a type of game they dont typically play - their feedback was invaluable. Hope to have Outrider under my belt so that I can develop something new in time for Protospiel South 2011!


Having a group of

Having a group of knowledgeable people play and critque my games saved me weeks of time in design.

-John Lach

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