Tomorow! Woot!

Hey all,

I'm finishing up the (very small) convention program, making a few posters for the food table and the registration table, and doing a few little organization things. I'm excited and nervous and really quite thrilled. This should be a good time.

...Gotta go the the Best Western Atrium North and confirm that they're ready for us; hand them the table layout I'd like them to use and see if they can do it.

...Going to check the budget and see if I can swing some more snacks for when there isn't food.

...Realized I haven't really planned for when I'm going to eat. Hmmmnnn... That could be a problem.

...Need to know if the hotel has Wi-Fi. I really should know that. It's pretty important (although not hyper-critical).

Exciting! We'll see how it goes.

I look forward to meeting y'all over the next three days!

- Jonathan L.

Yes, should be fun.

Yes, should be fun.

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