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What do we need?Ok, so I'm sure all you guys are pros at this kind of thing, but I've never been to a convention like this before. Do we developers need to bring tables, chairs, etc? Are there going to be lots of games played at once, or will the convention be focused around one game at a time? I'm bringing plenty of copies of my games' rules sheets to pass around while playing, but didn't know if anything else is suggested? Do we need to bring our own play-tester evaluation/comment forms? Are we supposed to set up some sort of display, or will the tables just be used for the games as they are being played? Any other suggestions would be of immense help. Also, will food and drink be allowed to be brought in to the convention, or should we just leave to get food?
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What we're providing...
Here's what I've arranged to provide:
* Tables & chairs: There'll be a bunch of tables and chairs that should seat six people comfortably and eight if you like each other enough.
* There will be multiple concurrent games, organized on the fly by the people present.
* One copy of each game and multiple copies of the rules is a good plan. Note paper and writing utensils is a good idea.
* We are not providing play tester evaluation forms, although that's an interesting idea.
* Tables are not "assigned" to people, so there's not really room for a "display." The tables are really just there for people to play games on.
* The hotel will provide water and coffee throughout the conference. Wonko's Toys and Games is sponsoring lunch on Saturday and Steve Jackson Games is sponsoring dinner on Saturday. Aside from that, you're welcome to bring your own food. I just ask that you keep it tidy and inoffensive-smelling and clean up after yourself.
* There will be a "craft" table with markers, paper, and such for people to quick-make modifications to their prototypes.
Other suggestions:
* Wear a watch. It helps to time when you start and finish a play test.
* Bring business cards with your name, business name (if any), and contact info on them. It's very useful to have a quick way to swap personal information.
Thanks so much, that's
Thanks so much, that's extremely helpful! Trying to get everything ready to go. I'm super excited! See you all there!