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Camping in AustinHi, myself and two others are roadtripping from Denver to Austin for Protospiel South (among other things). We are planning on camping at all of our stops along the way, and our plan looks like it's in good shape... until we get to Austin. The park we were planning on staying at in Austin (Emma Long Park) does not take reservations, but instead operates on a first-come-first-serve basis. And, as we were informed by the nice man on the telephone, for Memorial Day Weekend there are a lot of local campers who stake their claim a week to ten days in advance. Since we will not be in Austin that early, it made us a bit nervous about making sure we will have a place to sleep when we get there. So, our question is this: is there someone in the Austin area who would be willing to stake a claim for us several days in advance, for which we will reimburse you? Or is there another camping situation of which we are not aware of? (A local attendee's backyard, perhaps, large enough for three polite, quiet, recent college graduates/gaming enthusiasts and their tent?) Let me know!
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Camping in Austin
The only camping I do around here is going way out to the LCRA parks near Marble Falls. That would be a bit of a drive back and forth. Drop me a line if you have problems making arrangements. I'll have to check with the wife, but our backyard is plenty big for tents.
Hi Hokemj, We've have no luck
Hi Hokemj,
We've have no luck so far. Any verdict from your wife?
I'll check out the situation with some friends...
Hey Royce,
I can't promise anything, but I'll check with some friends and see if I can find a safe backyard for you to camp in. I'll update this thread in a week or less with additional information.
A possibility?
I was doing some research ad came across Emma Long Metropolitan Park. I'm not sure if they require reservations.
I tried the "park finder" tool and it seems to think that is the only Austin-run park with camping...
More info as I find it.
Yes, this was the park we
Yes, this was the park we were looking at. We called and they do not take reservations, and usually fill up with campers long before Memorial Day Weekend begins.
Shucks. Can I have a little more info?
Are you using tents and driving a car, or are you in a camper?
Taken Care of!
We'll be staying in Hokemj's backyard! Thanks for all your help jon!
Thanks, Hokemj!
Thanks, Hokemj! I sincerely appreciate that you stepped up to help Royce's entourage.
Your generosity will not go unrecognized...
No news yet...
Howdy. Sorry to say that I don't have any news on a camping space yet. I'll keep looking, though.
Just let me know!